Amantungula in Flower and Fruit, and Blue Ipomoea, South Africa 1882

Mandrinette and Mountain Home of the Pitcher Plant in the Distance 1882

Beauties of the Swamps at Tulbagh, South Africa 1882

Blue Lily and a Large Butterfly, Natal 1882

Cherokee Rose with the Peak of Teneriffe in the Distance 1875

Flor de Pascua or Easter Flower at Morro Velho, Brazil 1873

Flowers and Fruit of the Maricojas Passion Flower, Brazil 1873

Flowers Cultivated in the Botanic Garden, Rio Janeiro, Brazil 1873

Flowers of the Wagenboom and a Podalyria, and Honeysuckers 1882

Foliage and Flowers of a Chorisia and Double-Crested Humming Birds, Brazil 1873

Foliage and Flowers of the Californian Dogwood, and Humming Birds 1875

Foliage and Flowers of the Indian Rhododendron grande 1878

Foliage and Fruit of the Wampee and American Passion Flower 1878

Foliage and Flowers of the Suriya or Portia; the Pagodas of Madura in the Distance 1878

Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Citron, and a Butterfly, Painted in Brazil 1873

Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of a Common Indian Forest Tree 1878

Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Granadilla, Jamaica 1872

Fruit of Sandoricum and Green Gaper, Borneo 1876

Giant Everlasting and Protea on the Hills near Port Elizabeth 1882

Honeyflowers and Honeysuckers, South Africa 1882

Morning Glory, Natal 1882

Native Vanilla Hanging from the Wild Orange, Praslin, Seychelles 1883

Orange Flowers and Fruits, Painted in Teneriffe 1875

Ordeal Plant or Tanghin and Parokeets of Madagascar 1880

Protea and Golden-Breasted Cuckoo of South Africa 1882

Rhododendron Falconeri from the Mountains of North India 1878

Strelitzia and Sugar Birds, South Africa 1882

The Elephant Creeper of India 1878

The Oleander 1870

The Great Lily of Nainee Tal, in North India 1878

Two Climbing Plants of Chili and Butterflies

Two Climbing Plants of St John's and Butterflies 1882

Various Species of Hibiscus with Tecoma and Barleria, Natal 1882

Wild Chesnut and Climbing Plant of South Africa 1882

Jamaican Orchids Growing on a Branch of the Calabash Tree 1872

Flowers of Datura and Humming Birds, Brazil 1873

Flowers of Cassia corymbosa in Minas Geraes, Brazil 1873

Flowers of Darjeeling, India 1878

Clivia miniata and Moths, Natal 1882

Cape Colours 1882

An Old Friend and Its Associates in South Africa 1882

Aloes at Natal 1882

Aloe and Passionflower, South Africa 1882

Flowers of a Shrubby Convolvulus, Jamaica 1872

A Chilean Cactus in Flower and Its Leafless Parasite in Fruit 1880

Mexican Poppies, Chilian Schizanthus and Insects 1880

Common Flowers of Chili 1880

Flannel Flower of Casa Branca and Butterflies, Brazil 1873

A Medley from Groot Post, South Africa 1882

A South African Sundew and Associate 1882

Orchid and Humming Birds, Brazil 1873

South African Sundews and Other Flowers 1882

Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New York 1871
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